STWI (Swedish Textile Water Institute) Project – Textile, Energy And Resource Efficiency Project

Sweden Textile Water Initiative (STWI) is a private sector network with a membership of some 30 predominately Swedish textile and leather companies. STWI projects were implemented with the aim of improving water efficiency in production processes for suppliers and sub-suppliers to STWI member Brands in production hubs in Bangladesh, China, India, Ethiopia and Turkey.

The program was structured in four components:

  • Capacity building and investment support in textile factories;
  • Improving industrial water governance in production countries;
  • Harmonization of the STWI guidelines on resource use for the textile sector and influence of international processes; and
  • Communication and outreach.

SIWI implemented the program and SIDA (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) provided almost all financial funding amounting to 49 million SEK as a Public Private Development Project.

Consultancy services for Turkey was provided by Escarus between the years 2015-2017.

    During the project Escarus focused on improving environmental performance capacity of suppliers on sustainable use of water, energy and chemicals in textile and leather production processes by

    • Reusing waste and by-products in production,
    • Reducing pollution,
    • İncreasing management and employee information capacities for wastewater treatment.