Wind Energy

Türkiye’s Sustainability Reporting Standards

Türkiye’s Sustainability Reporting Standards

As sustainability becomes increasingly important, sustainability reports are gradually shifting from voluntary to mandatory status, serving as an effective and strong tool for stakeholder communication across numerous sectors. Many large companies are now...

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ESG Alphabet Soup

ESG Alphabet Soup

The concept of sustainability, originally embraced as a set of life principles without a formal name in the past, has evolved into a newly defined framework over the last half-century, shaped by practical necessities. With the deepening of negative...

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Sustainability in Textile- 2

Sustainability in Textile- 2

Textile products stand out as an essential product group that is used in many different sectors from medicine to agriculture, from construction to environmental systems, and from decoration to cosmetics. However, the production processes of these products...

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Sustainability In Textile

Sustainability In Textile

 The concept of sustainability, which is rapidly evolving and spreading in today's world, means "to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". Companies that care...

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Global Warming: Edges Of The World

Global Warming: Edges Of The World

Global warming is a widely known and accepted problem all over the world. There are different opinions on how to fight global warming.  Just as there are those who argue that radical measures should be taken and average comfort standards should be...

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Ecological Impacts Of Personal Care Products

Ecological Impacts Of Personal Care Products

Some of us can spend overmuch time in the shower and while it’s happening the environmental impact of our shower rises. The personal care products (PCPs: shampoos, shower gels and soaps) we use to wash our hair and body makes up a fraction of the...

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