Covid-19 Pandemic as an Ecosocial Crisis and Sustainability
In addition to the new business models practiced during the pandemic, the reduced travels and the new technologies employed, there is no doubt that solidarist attitudes in society as a whole, coupled with environmentally-friendly sensitivities and responsible behavior, will have positive repercussions after the pandemic as well. It is also expected that such repercussions will strengthen the ‘perspective for a more sustainable world’. At Escarus, it is our greatest wish to see that the interconnection between the sustainability of the lives and well-being of individuals and the sustainability of companies, and between the survival of states and the sustainability of the world is therefore understood.

Seizing Opportunities In A Changing World: Sustainable Finance Outlook 2018
In recent years, sustainable finance has gained significant traction both in Turkey and international markets. We increasingly observe the applications of sustainable finance, which started to become the new paradigm of the finance world. In this context, we decided to periodically publish our analysis on the latest trends, emerging topics, and best practices with regards to sustainable finance. Our first report titled “Seizing Opportunities in a Changing World”, we focus on Green Bonds and Social Bonds. From now and on, we aim to publish the Sustainable Finance Outlook on annual basis.

After The COP 21 Paris Summit: Outcomes And Expectations
The 21st Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP), also called the Paris Summit, started on November 30, 2015 and ended about two weeks later after 195 countries reached consensus on the Paris Agreement.

Climate Change en Route To COP 21: The World And Turkey
Climate change started to physically manifest itself in our daily life in the form of unexpected natural disasters such as storms and hurricanes, temperatures outside the range of season averages and global warming.

Climate Finance
During the new era of struggle against climate change we entered after the Paris Summit, financing has gained importance.