Paylaşım TarihiNovember 7, 2016
The 22th United Nation Climate Change Conference (COP 22) took place between 7-18 November 2016 in Marrakech, Morocco.

The main result of the conference where there are observers from the governments, academy, civil society and private sector, was determination of the Parties about the Paris Agreement. It was outlined that there is no turning back from the Paris Agreement and applications for adopting Paris Agreement were discussed.
United Nations General Secretary Ban Ki Moon emphasized the fact that there should be diversification in economy for low carbon and scaling up in economy for applications against climate change. Ban Ki Moon stated that private sector has the main role while transforming to clean energy economy. He also indicated it is critical to share the experiences and examples of useful applications.
Climate Finance was one of the main topics discussed in Marrakesh. The necessary finance models for adopting the Paris agreement were emphasized. It was indicated that the ‘Adaptation Fund’, which is a tool of Kyoto Protocol, should also serve to Paris Agreement. It was outlined that the climate finance which acquired by the decisions and the results of the reports, should be a value added financing. Gender equality, water and oceans were other topics that were mentioned in the conference. Additional challenges to disadvantageous groups of climate change such as accessing services, difference among regions were outlined.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the discussions about SDGs’ footprint in applications indicated that SDGs are going to be in the strategy agenda of countries and private sector.
Escarus performed two presentations on ‘Role of Climate Change and Sustainability in the Turkish Finance Sector and ‘Energy /Resource Efficiency’ at the Turkish Pavilion at the COP 22, which was organized for the first time. Melis Bitlis from Escarus attended ‘Business world and climate change ‘and ‘Renewable Energy’ sessions as a panelist.