Paylaşım TarihiJune 21, 2017
Escarus Becomes an Observer Member of Green Bond Principles.

Escarus has become an observer member of the internationally recognized Green Bond Principles. The Green Bond Principles are voluntary process guidelines that recommend transparency and disclosure and promote integrity in the development of the Green Bond market. The Green Bond Principles has 134 members from among the leading public sector institutions, international development finance institutions, banks, investment companies, and private sector institutions. Escarus has become the first Turkish company to be an observer member of the Green Bond Principles.div>
Ms. Melis Bitlis, from the Escarus team, attended the Green Bond Principles Annual Meeting and Congerence held in Paris on June 14. Members of the Board were elected by votes at the meeting where the members and observers of the Principles were present; the meeting also saw the issuance of the Social Bond Principles in addition to the green bond principles. The meeting, which was held with wide participation from international financial institutions, international banks, investment management and insurance companies, discussed the future of green bonds, the place of green bonds in new markets and the development of social principles.