Paylaşım TarihiNovember 8, 2016

Hülya Kurt, CEO of Escarus, which brings TSKB’s sustainability experience accumulated since 2005 to our day with its establishment in 2011 interviewed for Dunya Newspaper. Ms. Kurt explained the growth plans of Escarus and specified that greatest priority and mission of Escarus is to support the sustainable growth and development of Turkey.
Ms. Kurt expressed that Escarus is closely following global developments in sustainability and developing technical capacity in various institutions, both in-house and via other institutions cooperating on renewable energy, energy efficiency, environment and resource efficiency. In addition, Mrs. Kurt indicated that Escarus is carrying out a project in collaboration with a European sustainability initiative to measure and evaluate factories in the textile sector. The project helps these factories take solid steps steps on resource efficiency.
Ms. Kurt mentioned that thanks to its experience in the finance sector, Escarus provides multifaceted consultancy services on how to integrate environmental and social issues for domestic and foreign financial institutions.
Ms. Kurt touched on the issue of green bonds as well, and noted that the green bond will be the most innovative and sought after financing tool in the upcoming period and the first application of green bond in Turkey has been realized by TSKB.
Finally, Mrs. Kurt emphasized benefits of sustainability on financial success and reputation of the company in the long run in addition to environment and society, underlining that sustainability is a matter of management system.