The main aim of the project was to conduct a feasibility study within the framework of EBRD’s investment program for increasing energy efficiency and the seismic resistance of the existing education buildings of the Turkey Ministry of National Education (MoNE).

Project tasks was conducted under 4 components
- Energy audits and seismic resilience surveys in selected schools (pilot study)
- Investment proposals and financial analyses
- Projection of results from pilot studies throughout the building stock of MoNE
- Economical analysis of investment programme by calculating financial and non-financial benefits
Energy audits and seismic resilience surveys were carried out by Escarus in 8 school buildings specifically selected to represent the MoNE’s building portfolio. Energy efficiency measures and structural retrofitting schemes were proposed considering the energy performances and deficiencies of the audited buildings.
Potential investment opportunities were proposed for MoNE’s building stock that might be covered under EBRD’s investment program using the findings of the field studies.
Both financial and non-financial potential benefits coming from energy efficiency and seismic retrofitting investments were also assessed, in terms of energy savings, CO2 emission savings, better student/teacher comfort, improved health conditions, protection from injury against any possible earthquake.