Public companies have the advantage to increase their market value and their access to financing by their stock indices’ performance. In addition to a company’s financial performance, its ability to manage environmental, social, and governance related risks and opportunities became an important assessment criterion from investors’ perspective.
Since 2014, BIST Sustainability Index has been calculating and evaluating listed companies’ capability to manage these risks and opportunities. Beginning from 2021, BIST Sustainability Index is being assessed via Refinitiv Contributor Tool. Refinitiv assesses companies listed in BIST Sustainability Index by their performance on environmental, social, and governance topics through several measures and calculates the Combined ESG Score of the companies which are traded in the index.

During the BIST Sustainability Index assessment period, Escarus focuses on short- and long-term gains by carrying out gap analysis for companies which will be traded in the index. In the light of global and local sectoral best practices Escarus provides applicable and customized solutions for companies.
Escarus supports its BIST Sustainability Index Consultancy services adopting a “continuous improvement” approach. During the consultancy service provided, contributed corporate data is tracked, actions to cover the gaps in various terms are determined and guidance on required corporate governance documents/contents is given by Escarus experts in a structured manner.