Escarus adopts an approach which aims to ensure that the activities it carries out with a focus on sustainability have a permanent impact, which is embedded in the DNA of the institutions it works with and which goes one step further, with an awareness of sustainability that penetrates different layers of society. In this context, Escarus includes training modules in a wide range of projects carried out. To give the training programs an interactive nature, the training programs are organized with a workshop approach when conditions allow, and in a manner which maximizes the contribution of the participants. In addition, one of the activities carried out by Escarus is to provide independent training consultancy designed in line with the demands of the customers and which is in line with their needs.

Some of the training programs provided so far are listed below:
• Sustainability: Basic Concepts
• Corporate Sustainability and the SDGs
• Sustainable Finance
• Environmental and Social Risk Management
• Climate Based Risks and Opportunities
• Climate Change Financing
• Energy Markets
• Renewable Energy Investments and Financing
• Energy efficiency
• Innovation
• Resource Efficiency: Opportunities and Applications
• Non-Financial Reporting
• Inclusion and Gender Equality
Aware of its social responsibilities, Escarus also seeks to extend its appeal to young people, who are the most important social layer which will adopt and carry the sustainable life philosophy forward. Escarus organizes sustainability workshops in cooperation with universities.