With the impacts of climate change being keenly felt, companies are seeking solutions to understand and manage the effects of this change on their strategies, operations and goals.
The Climate Risk Management (CRM) projects, which are designed specifically for institutions by Escarus, aim to design climate change as a business model for companies and integrate it into all processes of the corporation.

Escarus helps companies determine the risks arising from climate change, assessing the possibility and effects of such risks and determining the steps to be taken to prevent them, identifying the financial and non-financial consequences if such risks are realised and integrating the identified risks into the existing management and decision-making processes.
Escarus CRIM project approach is a structure that is built on on different sustainability-themed index, methodologies such as the CDP, the TCFD, and Science-Based Targets. The basic content of an effective management system should be designed specifically to the dynamics, internal functioning and sensitivities of the organization and tailored to the institution. For this reason, the infrastructure established by Escarus is designed in line with the expectations of the customer and aims to meet the expectations of the stakeholders which it is either in cooperation with or plans to be in cooperation with.