Stakeholder Analysis And Prioritization


The results of stakeholder analysis are among the most important variables that an institution should consider when determining its sustainability strategy. Analytical studies that will determine the sustainability priorities and perceptions of the institutions’ stakeholders are carried out within the scope of stakeholder analysis.

Escarus offers a qualitative perspective as well as a quantitative approach when conducting its stakeholder analysis. The execution of stakeholder analysis projects is divided into two phases; qualitative and quantitative investigation. The use of both methodologies enables the most realistic stakeholder experience story to be achieved. The same conceptual framework is used in both in-depth interview and questionnaire stages in order to ensure the integrity of the analysis. Thus, the qualitative and quantitative investigation sections are handled within a framework that feeds each other.

Escarus uses the questionnaire method in the quantitative investigation stage of the stakeholder analysis, and measures the perception of the institution and its sustainability priorities with the questions it directs. During the qualitative investigation, Escarus reveals the perceptions and attitudes of the target audience through in-depth interviews conducted in their natural work environment.