Gender equality, which refers to the equal participation of women and men in all areas of life in equal measures and equal access to opportunities, is one of the most important concepts in the field of human rights. The business world has an important role in achieving gender equality.
The Gender Equality Program Certificate (CEPS), developed by Escarus, aims to measure gender equality on a corporate scale, study the practices within the scope of company activities, develop gender equality roadmaps specific to the institutions, and document activities with certificates.
Throughout the program Escarus supports the development of in-house strategies and practices by analyzing the existing activities for gender equality and women’s empowerment carried out by the institutions.
The processes of verifying the data on gender equality and determining compliance with the certificate are undertaken by VERICERT Certification and Surveillance Company, one of Turkey’s leading certification, verification, and auditing organizations. The companies audited are expected to understand the importance of gender equality in business life, adopt zero-tolerance policies on discrimination, harassment, and violence, have the necessary space and equipment for the needs of female and male employees, and offer a safe working environment.

Companies that are entitled to receive the Gender Equality Program Certificate (CEPS) are recognized within the national and international sphere that they have an egalitarian policy with their activities and recruitment processes and are sensitive to the empowerment of women in employment. Having a certificate on gender equality is a reason for preference for customers and contributes to increasing the brand value of companies.
The program’s evaluations are carried out using the Gender Equality Assessment and Evaluation Tool (CEODA) modeled by TSKB and Escarus. The CEODA enables the evaluation and structuring of the current status of gender equality practices implemented by intermediary firms and the creation of corporate strategies and action plans on gender equality.
As a result of the Gender Equality Evaluation Score calculated within the program, a Basic Level / Advanced Gender Equality Program Certificate* is issued specifically to companies that achieve certain qualifications.